Projects: the studio practice of Jerry Koepp

Recent experiments
2018 - current

Man Up   —   drawing in marker, charcoal, pencil,  24 x 36 inches

Grow up - drawing in marker, charcoal, pencil; 24 x 36 inches

Soldier Soldiering (HappyHappy) - plastic, paint, string; 18 inches tall

Living/Oblivion - oil, mixed media and plastic ;
48 x 48 inches

Abandonment - cut wood and metal, 7 inches

Disposable childhood - plastic, paint; various dimensions

Sissy & Bunny - plastic, paint, nylon, plush; 30 inches and 12 inches tall respectively

Fwoosh - oil on canvas ; 56 x 56 inches

Zap - oil on canvas, 56 x 56 inches

Title - assemblage: fabric, paint, padding; 24 x 36 inches

Abandonment - charred wood and metal; 7 inches

Disposable childhood - plastic, paint; various dimensions

War - ink, charcoal and gold leaf on paper; 39 x 40 inches

Infinite Compassion - assemblage: neon, sequins, and padding on board; 24 x 36 inches